Karunā in Sanskrit:
compassion, the intention to relieve the suffering of others.
At Karuna Minds, we believe that compassion should be the foundation of everything we do in life, including our mindfulness practices.
Developing compassion is something that everyone can do, however we must begin by developing compassion towards ourselves first.
Yenushka Karunaratne is a mindfulness educator with many years of experience practicing various mindfulness techniques and delivering evidence-based mindfulness interventions. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour from McMaster University and a Masters of Arts in Applied Behaviour Analysis from Pennsylvania State University. She has experience working with children, youth and adults both in the private sector as well as in public school boards. Yenushka is committed to prioritizing mental health. Her passion is to integrate mindfulness practices into daily life, and make them accessible for a diverse group of communities, regardless of age, gender, sexuality or ethnicity. Yenushka is a Mindfulness Teacher on InsightTimer, where her guided mindfulness practices can be accessed for free.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness has many definitions, but it is essentially the state of active, open attention in the present moment with acceptance and non-judgement. That means, being able to observe your thoughts, feelings and sensations from a distance, without becoming them.
Research in disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, and medicine provides a wealth of evidence that mindfulness has positive impacts on human functioning including attention, cognition, emotions, behavior, and physiology.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
— Viktor E. Frankl
Connect with Yenushka on an individual level to begin your mindfulness practice or deepen your existing mindfulness practice.
Yenushka offers mindfulness workshops tailored to your individual or group needs.